This project is the exploration between chaos and order.
A measure of the number of ways a system may be arranged.
The task was to create something based on our experience and perception of Hong Kong,
for an exhibition, as part of the Sheikha Manal Art Exchange program.
From its architecture to its people, the city of Hong Kong is congested, hectic, overcrowded,
overactive. However, its simultaneously orderly. Its street grids are predominantly parallel, 
its buildings are eminent with repetition. 

As chaotic as Hong Kong is, there is a clear and notable order to it. 
The pages are bound together using coptic stitch binding.
The form I used is a deconstructed shape derived from the Bank of China.
Binding process


The task was to create a piece based on our experience in Hong Kong, as part of the Sheikha Manal Art Exchange program. This project is the explo Read More
