Pavel Nekoranec's profile

The Golem of Prague

So, some time I think about to make some Disney/Pixar like character, but with completely new story. And there is it, the Golem of Prague.​
Golem is magically created being from in Jewish mythology in Prague. The legend talking about Judah Loew ben Bezalel, the late-16th-century rabbi of Prague who made this creature made of stone or clay from the river Vltava in Prague to protect the Jewish ghetto from attacks of antisemites. 
According to the story, golem became to live when the rabbi put to his mouth shem, piece of paper with magical formula, and he started to help to the community in ghetto, the only day when rabbi had to deactivate him was Saturday, when Jewish people are not supposed to work, thus on Sabbath. There are version that golem fall in love to the rabbi's daughter with serious illness and fall apart when rabbi didn't put the shem out.
I loved the story as a child and its actually perfect story for some Disney movie. I just imagine the Golem and all the adventures in old Prague in 16th century with crazy emperor Rudolf II. who was attracted to almchemy and magic. The name of the golem, according to the legend was Josef, thus Joseph, but people call him Josillie.
The apperance is actually inspired a bit of one really old movie, where golem has really cool hair, that looks like dreadlock, so I used that and made that more clear. In my fantasy is golem made of clay that make this marble effect and his hair making funny jingly sound.

Hope you like it, I will try to make some more images of Josillie in move, maybe even with rabbi's daughter 
Shoshana (rose in hebrew) :)
The Golem of Prague

The Golem of Prague

I just had this idea to make some new character in Diney/Pixar style :)
