The 60’s.
Everything produced good vibrations that seemed to come directly from space. In fact these years are called “The space Age”. They were explosive years, the years of Beatles’s music, the beginning of pop art and the years of “La dolce vita”. An age were all seemed possible. Or at least we believe so.
During these years Op Art spread its way. The elements of this style were extremely abstract since artists used optical illusion. My work was based one of most important member of the optical art: Bridget Riley.
This english artist at beginning of her career was influnced by Seurat. Pointillism and Vasarely’s painting took her to exsperiment the optical effect.
In 1965 in New York there was the exhibition "The Responsive Eye” where Bridget exhibited her works together with Vasarely and many other artists of the op art.
One of the work I was assigned was to realize a collage that should represent Bridget’s work as a tribute.
"I want to create a situation that allows my work to throw up surprises"
Bridget Riley
The other work was realize a 60’s pattern.
I was inspired by Paul Feeley an artist that took part at “The Responsive Eye”  
60's mood

60's mood

60's pattern and collage


Creative Fields