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Preserve Penmanship! Print + Screen

PRESERVE PENMANSHIP! Print + Screen is a magazine adapted for both print and digital platforms. It aims to educate viewers about the importance of script handwriting and legible penmanship. The magazine showcases writing samples and historical information as well as demonstrates how to write in script. 
Advantages to print are:
• ownable with no access control technology
• the tactile quality
• credibility
• permanence
Disadvantages to print are:
• highproductionand distribution costs
• archiving issues regarding space and upkeep
• audience limitation
• inability to update continuously 
Advantages to viewing on screen are:
• remote access and portability
• display flexibility
• minimal paper waste
• multi–platform usages
• interactivity
• lower production costs
Disadvantages to viewing on screen are:
• glare and eyestrain
• non–compatible file types
• unreliable lifespan
• dependent on hardware and software
• may have access control technology 
SCREENSHOTS from the SCREEN version:
Created a "How To" page to follow the cover in order to explain to users how to interact with the digital version.
Incorporated interactivity such as image slideshows using the Adobe InDesign Digital Publishing Suite. With the swipe of a finger left and right, a user can go through the slideshow to find historical images and text about the origins of script.
Compared script writing flow and attention to letterforms to modern graffiti by embedding videos.
On this page, by clicking on the thumbnails you can view images of a pangram written by six different people and analysis of their penmanship.
A user can move and zoom in on each photo by pinching and dragging the image to analyze the handwriting more closely.
In case a viewer was unfamiliar with script letters I added a section which allowed the user to trace the dotted letters with their fingers by incorporating and embedding code into the app.
Preserve Penmanship! Print + Screen

Preserve Penmanship! Print + Screen

Senior thesis project focusing on how to preserve traditional script writing for the modern age using a digital platform. Optimized for the iPad. Read More
