and how he came to be
Years ago, my mom bought a silver ring with an amethyst from this store here in Florence that she loves. It was a simple oval bezel setting, which she soon got bored of. The ring itself was unremarkable, really, but she loved the stone. Amethysts aren't easy to choose because from one tone of  purple to the next translates quite neatly to cheesy synthetic to cool and original.

So we had this really cool stone to work with. What to do with it?

Months later we went to the 4 Seasons Hotel and had aperitivo with the family to celebrate the sale of our house. You know how these chic hotels like to decorate with coffee table books under glass tables? Well There was this book on the history of Cartier. I flipped through it while waiting for our drinks and found this:

So that's how he was born. I took the stone and made the wax model around it, (my preferred way to work), and had it cast in silver.

And that's how I realized that I'm probably not going to be one of those designers who can make more than one piece per model. There was something pretty amazing about having the seed (the stone) and building around that. This way, no two pieces can really be alike. Well, of course if you really want to you could, but then, where would be the magic in that?

Or maybe I'm just lazy. Point of the matter is, we were quite happy about Osvaldo. And really, there can only be one, right?


RIng in sterling silver, central stone amethyst, and citrines


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