Ideas worth spreading


Project of graphic conception and corporative design for TEDx community of Kharkiv.
TED is a nonprofit devoted to spreading ideas, usually in the form of short, powerful talks (18 minutes or less). TED began in 1984 as a conference where Technology, Entertainment and Design converged, and today covers almost all topics — from science to business to global issues — in more than 100 languages. Meanwhile, independently run TEDx events help share ideas in communities around the world.

The TEDx Program is designed to help communities, organizations and individuals to spark conversation and connection through local TED-like experiences.
At TEDx events, a screening of TED Talks videos — or a combination of live presenters and TED Talks videos-sparks deep conversation and connections at the local level. TEDx events are planned and coordinated independently, under a free license granted by TED.

In 2012 licensed TEDxKharkiv was created.
First part of the symbol. The sign of spatial constant. Symbol of eternity and routine. It denotes all that encourages us to search for something new, try to find some alternatives. Second part of the symbol.
Traid symbol. In this case, the unity of technology, entertainment, and design. (acronym TED). Together they form the graphical symbol of TEDx. The first part of a new sign is searching for alternative coordinates in the space, new dimensions of ideas. This simple sign has its conceptual background, the lack of “rays” provokes the audience and helps not to confuse it with other stars etc.

TED has its own logo, but this symbol helps to make a coleur locale of Kharkiv community. The main graphic sign is the module of "motion" and all of the project graphics.Variants of the sign with circle symbolize the sphere of ideas.
TED has its own symbols which could not be altered and its brand colors (white, red, black). We decided to minimize black and add yellow – the color of ideas.
The project was made as a diplom work in Kharkiv State Academie of Design and Arts.
Curator Vladimir Lesnyak.

Poster series  "Ideas worth spreading 

This project consists of graphic conception of the community, 14 posters, poster of the first conference, fliers of the first conference, 2 banners, printed advertisement, branded documentation and mail.
Posters have two series: general information about TED and posters of the first conference of the community.
Poster series  "Ideas worth spreading"
Poster series  "Ideas worth spreading"
Poster series  "Ideas worth spreading"
Universal sign of TEDxKharkiv. Poster series  "Ideas worth spreading "
Poster series "The alternatives are wanted!"
Poster series "The alternatives are wanted!"
Poster series "The alternatives are wanted!"
 Speaker's program of the first conference.
Poster series "The alternatives are wanted!" about wide area of problems that are touching on TED conferences.
Poster-program of the first TEDxKharkiv conference.
Flyers for the conference  "The alternatives are wanted!" 
Short advertising publication about TED and TEDxKharkiv
26 pages. Examples of the spreads.
Banner "TEDxKharkiv. The alternatives are wanted!" 
Banner "TEDxKharkiv. The alternatives are wanted!" 


Project of graphic conception and corporative design for TEDx community of Kharkiv.This project consists of graphic conception of the community, Read More
