Public Safety
With the theme of 'Public Safety', the idea was to portray the dense theme with relaxation, something that caught the attention and have a fun atmosphere. In addition to illustrating the cover, illustration from 'town' fills the central matter of the magazine this month.
Power Woman

Issue of the magazine cover INFOACI, digital illustration 'The challenges of women entrepreneurs'.
We can do it
Month of International Women's Day, cover staff: "The strength of enterprising woman." The first thing that came to my mind "We Can Do It!". It was virtually impossible to escape such reference. The second step was to go deeper in the subject, so that the cover was a remake and not a mere copy.
Armed with all this and away from them too. Recreated this iconographic illustration, which pierces all female power potential and at the same time have all the delicate traces of an authentic design Pin Up. Then began the process of creating...
Lastest Covers
The latest covers created for the monthly InfoACI Magazine. The special Christmas issue, "The best gift to São José" and the issue "Where Park in downtown?".
InfoACI Magazine

InfoACI Magazine

The latest covers and illustrations created for the monthly InfoACI Magazine.
