設計理念 │ Idea Concept

好玉皂,以台南特色八角窗,作為肥皂外型的設計發想,用精雕油土雕出皂模, 灌出矽膠模型,開始製作好玉皂。

包裝的發想上,結合2D轉換3D的概念,擷取八角窗的圖形,多層次簍空下挖, 用90度仰角拍攝的方式,將八角簍空圖形拍下,結合在包裝上面,讓購買者產生 錯覺,以為包裝是真實下挖,但只是一張照片合成。


The design concept of the Good Omen Soap is inspired by Tainan's distinguishing octagonal windows. The idea of the packaging design, involves a 2D to 3D concept, is done by taking the shape of the octagonal window and multilevel hollow cutting.

By photographing the octagonal window at a 90 degree elevated angle, and combining it with the packaging, it gives and illusion that the packaging is hollow cut, but it's actually just a photomontage. The inner packaging also uses elements from the octagonal windows, giving an optical illusion.

Although the Good Omen Soap is inspired by Tainan's traditional culture, the overall visual graphic is presented in clean white, with the idea of "less is more", an alteration from the tradition rustic feel, giving the Good Omen Soap brand a high quality imagery.



好玉皂,以台南特色八角窗,作為肥皂外型的設計發想。雖然傳統文化做出發想,但整體視覺打造上面以潔淨白呈現,以留白就是力量為視覺打造,做出不同於傳統肥皂的質樸感。 Although the Good Omen Soap is inspired by Tainan's traditional Read More
