Crop Walk 2011 Charlotte 5k design submission
Hunger is a real issue that plagues our planet.  It is not a fad, trend, or fashion statement.  Therefore, when I considered designing a t-shirt for this year’s Crop Walk, I wanted to convey this reality in my design.
Wheat is considered to be one of the most well-known sources of food around the globe.  Wheat provides vitamins, minerals, and protein which are elements that are essential for human growth.  It can be found in cereals, breads, biscuits, cookies, cakes, pasta, noodles, and even in biofuel.  Consequently, in my design I wanted to use wheat as a powerful symbol for overcoming hunger.
A circle was used in the design to signify a continuous progression of the fulfillment of the Crop Walk movement which produces wholeness to those who are impacted by hunger.  The color green was selected because it represents growth, and that’s what we want for the production of the Crop Walk.  I also wanted to convey the emptiness of hunger which is highlighted using the emptiness of the positive and negative space of the design. 
Lastly, when individual wheat is fully grown in vast numbers, the result is a full, lush harvest.  Likewise, each individual t-shirt, when brought together in vast numbers, symbolizes a full harvest of people, not just an individual, who are working together to overcome hunger.  Therefore, I view this concept as more than a design, but a message!
Crop Walk

Crop Walk

Crop Walk Organization came to our school and asked the graphic design students to design the 2011 T-shirt. This was my concept and submission.
