What's with all the Spoons?
Looking at some of these pieces you may be wondering, "What's with all the spoons?"  In the chronic illness community we use spoons as a way to explain the limits of our energy.  Living in chronic pain or with chronic illness forces you to ration your energy, activities and committments a little differently than you do if you're healthy and able bodied.  The spoon theory is a quick way to explain that.  As a result, many refer to themselves as "Spoonies," and spoons take a prominent spot in art and memes within the community.
For more information about the spoon theory, visit: The Spoon Theory or The Spoon Theory Demo.
Disability Designs

Disability Designs

Designs focusing on disabilities, chronic pain, and/or chronic illness. These designs feature a variety of mobility aids, or spoons (in reference Read More
