Sergey Valyaev's profileRoman Vyshyvanov's profile

Show Yourself episode 2

We have done a great job for this non-profit project:
1. We draw a huge Calligraffiti in Moscow subway. (first in history)
2. Make a lot of motion graphics work.
3. Create tonns previsualizations and illustrations.
4. Render cool 3d models.
5. Filmed extremely dangerous stunts. (even trainsurfing on high speed train in cold russian winter)
6. Write a atmospheric soundtrack.
Here is some screenshots and working materials:
Show Yourself episode 2

Show Yourself episode 2

Director and Produser Sergey (Voogie) Valyaev Colourist: Surmina Regina Cameramans: Egor Tarasov Maks Klenov Voogie Сomposer: Ganju Glitch So Read More
