 - shipped game - 
For Watch_Dogs, I worked in the Paris Studio on the Digital Trips. I was responsible for most of the graphical assets in the Digital Trips, including the Spider Tank.
I created the model of the Spider Tank based on a concept by Michel Donze. Working on the Spider was really fun, since it was fairly complex and I got to work closely with the Art Director and the animator. It was also my first time working for Next-Gen consoles, trying out new techniques and seeing what worked best, given the new, more permissive technical limitations.
This Digital Trip was more gameplay focused. I created the model for the spaceship that brought the cyborgs on the streets of Chicago.
In Alone, the player has to deactivate the generators that maintain a perpetual night in Chicago while avoiding the “Camera Head” sentries. I was responsible for creating these “Camera Heads” and the Generators.
This was a pretty fun Trip conceptually. I created the flowers and also changed the environment lighting to give it a more “psychedelic” feel.
For this trip, I created the hellish version of Chicago. I changed the lighting and clouds to give it an oppressive feeling. I also created the rifts in the ground which the player must avoid while chasing the demons.