Lorenzo Cannon-Umstead's profile

The "Board" Of Execution

Hello, my name is Lorenzo Cannon-Umstead I am from West Philadelphia, and I am a student at Full Sail University. Below Is An Essay That i wrote for a new blog that I just launched titled The Gangland Blog. Thank you for reading.
Somebody once told me, “At the end of the Chess game, the King and the Pawn goes into the same box.”

Now, Let’s just say that in this life were in, in this time and space, we as human beings are playing a literal game of Chess. Every morning when I wake up and discover each days news, I feel like we are, and there is a system at work that is the opposing side.

For a great number of us, from a young age, we are taught that in our lives and in this society we need to obtain “valuable” things and make “upward” strides. It is also implied in these lessons that making these upward strides and obtaining things will grant us validation from society. Maybe this validation would lead us to become Kings and Queens in this society, like on a chess “board”, right? Hearing this as young people, We then say OK, Sounds like a plan. Then, life happens and reality sets in. Next, a number of things are internalized by some of us, like poverty and blackness for example. Then a result of us facing reality can then lead to us sometimes falling short of those “upward” strides that society told us to make individually. Next what happens is that falling short of those achievements for some, society would suggest that these individuals are less valuable than those in society who have not fell short. Society then suggests that this group of people provides less to the society and therefore deserve to be oppressed. For example, Bishops, Knights and Pawns in the game of chess are known to be lesser valued than that of the King & Queen and some of those pieces can be considered expendable based on the player. Another number of us don’t even get a place at the chess “board” or a or even get a shot at this “validation”. For this number of us, it is suggested by the society that we should be exploited, fed off of, and we should just work until we die basically. Like the serfs and peasants in the middle ages who don’t even have representation in the Game of Chess. Hence, they didn’t have a place at the “board”.
So about myself, I’m LO. 46th Street, West Park Projects, 300 Building Is My Birthplace. Most times, when I’m in my hood, I talk to the kids and the folks who inhabit it because they are my people and we come from the same place. Some of us have been there for each other and even broke bread when needed. If you actually took time to converse with the people, they often times speak of what they are lacking in life. Whether it be money, food, or furniture, you definitely see that these days, the folks are definitely in need of something. Again, Most people that come from where I do don’t get a place at the chess “board”. Because, again the society suggests they don’t belong there. In some other conversations, you hear about some real shit from the elder groups of Black Men. You hear about how much time they did, you hear about those who have fallen, you hear about the happenings in the infamous gang-war during the 1960s through the early 1990s that took place in Philly between rival neighborhoods. For example In West Philly, Market St., West Park, and Lex St. Gangs were heavily involved. You even hear the stories of how they had to do “this” in order to get “that” and so on and so forth. Again, these are the individuals who never got a place at the “board”, so they sought validation in the street. Many of them still paid a price to the system though, through the time that they served in prison. Even my Pop and all my brothers did. But Somehow in my young life, I took chances and eluded incarceration. Some will say that I was blessed, which I was, but I am now seeing the bigger picture. I have come to realize that I was given a place at the “board”. I was looking to become validated in the eyes of the powers that exist. I was a token Black subject of the American Social Order. We’ll get to that in a minute though.

So, in this life we all want to obtain the things and make the strides that will validate us and give us value right? But the question to ask is, why exactly do we need validation? And who exactly is validating us? We’ll get to that soon as well.

It is believed and researched that the game of Chess was introduced to the world in the year 1000 by the Moors of the Moorish Empire which occupied North Africa, and some of Spain & Italy. Over time, the game was later “modified” in greater Europe, like most sports and games that exist today. Based on this information, I’m sure the rules and objectives of the game were changed and appropriated for the use, understanding and comprehension of Europeans. I’m sure these days that most people don’t associate the game of chess with Moors or the Moorish Empire. (see: cultural appropriation). History shows us that since the dawn of the existence of the European, he has taken something that wasn’t his own, makes that something his own and then finally colonizes the space from where he got that something. Then after time, these spaces are then measured on a Eurocentric meter of some sort. The event that is taking place here is that we in this life and in this society are all being measured on a hierarchal or class scale of some type. Like the idea of the Class Ladder for example. We’ve been stripped down. This is our reality, this is our life, this is America. Based on the continuing results of the American Experiment, expect your starting place on the ladder to be low if you are rich in melanin and born into poverty. So most chances are, in the eyes of the powers that exist, you will never be a King or Queen on their “board” if you fit that description. It’s all apart of their design in the American tapestry that we’ve all been entwined into. This violence has been doing damage to us as a community, it has divided us and as a result, they want to continue to conquer us in their game that they have appropriated for their use.

Sometimes what happens is that a few, just a few of us end up being validated in the eyes of the powers: such as some Rappers, Athletes, Models, Actresses, Pop Stars, and Other Token subjects for example. For another number of us, our hunger is real for this validation and some of us live our whole lives looking to be validated by these powers, And if that happens..cool. We all have to choose our own paths in life. But that same number of us might want to keep in mind that at the end of their game, you have still been oppressed in some way, type, form or fashion. In the end, you can’t take anything with you. My Pop used to always say “I ain’t never seen no Brinks truck behind no hearse.”. The money and valuables that you have earned during your time on this earth you cannot pay God with, nor your Ancestors. In the words of Jim Morrison, No here one gets out alive.

Hence, At the end of the game The King and Pawn goes into the same box.

Based on the people who we come from and being the people that we are, we do not need the validation of any system. We do not need a place at the chess “board”. This board that I speak of, this validation, and the Ladder is all one big illusion to keep us distracted from who we really are and what we are truly capable of. Let’s set our own table. Notice I didn’t say lets play a “game”, I said let’s set our own table, meaning: let’s all do our part in our communities so as a result we can become nourished. Everybody Eats. We must learn how to become Kings and Queens of our own. In fact, there’s already been Kings and Queens. Even more importantly We’ve even been Farmers, we’ve been Doctors, Cooks, Athletes, Mathematicians, Dancers, Musicians, Hunters, Fighters, Archers, Master Thinkers, and World Travelers!!!!! All those who had these roles were greatly valued to their community and others too. We’ve been doing these things, Somebody also once told me that “There is Nothing New Under The Sun.”.

Based on this information of our history, we must learn how to validate ourselves as our ancestors did. Build our communities. Build our spaces. Develop ideas for business and incubate them so that we can build up the socioeconomic standing of our communities. Unite for the greater good of the benefit of our own people. Develop collective security. The Belief In and Of Ourselves. This will ultimately be our greatest greatness.

Earlier I spoke of being rich in melanin and born into poverty, in which I’m sure many of us was on some level. I also spoke about getting my place at the chess “board” and thus, becoming a token Black subject of the American Social Order. At one point in my life, I was a token. I probably still am in the eyes of some and in some instances still. I have been given opportunities that most who fit my description would not be given. I have traveled and seen the world, ate expensive dinners, drank the fanciest wines, been around and met people of fame, power and influence who I refuse to name. All these events and things that I took part in were so-called rewards for certain causes that I had worked very hard for during those times. But all this time, there was something missing in my life. At the end of all the fanfare in the national conventional hall, the fanciness, the fake handshakes and fake smiles and plates of Chicken Parmesan, he who leaves his hood gotta come back at some point. He still has to come back to reality. He still has to look in the mirror and ask himself “Who I am I?”.

I’m sure by now many of you know who george zimmerman is. I refuse to capitalize his name for personal reasons. Anyway, ten days before the departure of a trip that I had planned on taking to Brazil for my twenty-first Birthday, the man who I just mentioned was found not guilty of murdering an unarmed black youth by the name of Trayvon Martin. Excited about the trip but that evening hearing this news, I became heartbroken and I started to feel some type of way about going on the trip. This is because while others who look like me would be getting gunned down back home, I would then be in a whole other climate celebrating my 21st Birthday. Still though, ten days later on July 23, 2013, I ended up departing for South America. While I was airborne, I had that feeling of survivor’s guilt. I finally understood Rick Ross when he said “I’m flying first class as the snakes slither.” But as soon as I hopped off that plane my life was beginning to change. Please take me as serious as possible when I say this, (because it sounds corny) I really feel like I experienced things both physically and spiritually while down there that began a transformation within my mind, body, heart & soul. I’m an evolved person. I have evolved and I feel that I have arrived. All of this is due to love and guidance from my Loved ones and my God.
When I landed, before seeing the beauty and glamour of Rio de Janeiro, I saw the real. I saw the neighborhoods of oppressed peoples known as the favelas. The neighborhood I visited was called Rocinha (Meaning “little farm” in Portuguese). In Rocinha, the physical condition of the housing structures in these areas reminded me of the row-home style houses in Philly. But Instead of these houses being side by side like the ones in Philly, these houses looked like they were stacked on top of another. Some of community members built these structures from the ground up using their bare hands and the little money that they had to buy hardware supplies. Some of these residential structures bared vivid and striking artwork done by the members of this neighborhood. This Again reminding me of Philly: you know, the murals all across the city on the residential structures of our own. Seeing these live images fascinated me, but some of these images also hurt me as well. Such as the images of the children, some of them which were barefoot, doing different things like playing futebol, burning the excess trash and taking care of their livestock and pets. The images of vendors selling various items on the highways to make an honest living. They were most likely trying to feed their children and families. And lastly, the images of groups and gangs of young Afro and Pardo (mixed race) Brazilian men and women roaming their neighborhoods with no place else to go. It wasn’t all sad the whole time though. In most of these people I still saw flashes of brightness in them, I still saw beauty in their existence and I still saw value in their lives. They then reminded me of the folks back home. For the next two weeks on this pilgrimage, I was educated from what I saw: the poverty, how colonization is violent, but also the beauty of the native land itself and the beauty and the resilience of the people whom I met and spent time with down there. When spending time in someone else’s neighborhood when it’s less developed than yours can be some real shit. It just shows you that those of us who have been born into poverty have been and is still being oppressed on different levels, depending on what corner of the world you’re born in. Maybe it’s not that deep or maybe it’s deeper. Either way I’ll get it right one day.

While still very far from home though, during these moments of clarity, the truth hit me and I was awaken by something.

After two nasty run-ins with Customs at both Rio & JFK Airports, I came back home. When I came back home, I looked to seek more knowledge. I began reading more. I sought out to hang around more conscious individuals whom I now love by the way, and They know who they are. Anywho, I was put on to writers such as Assata Shakur, Angela Davis, James Baldwin, St. Paul, Franz Fanon, W.E.B DuBois & Na’im Akbar. Because of my experiences and because I related to the truthful texts of these writers, I became re-educated. I now see the world in a different light. At this point in my life, I just want to re-tell these stories from my perspective and experience and the truth that is embedded in them. At this point in my life, I am becoming somebody who I want to be, rather than becoming somebody who other people want me to be.

God is good though. Yes, I was given opportunity and I have been privileged to a far extent. In my life, I have been denied many times but I was approved many times as well. I feel that I was blessed and put on this path to able to do what I loved since I was a youngin and that’s detailing life’s events through writing!! When I was a youngin I had really severe anger issues. My mom used to always tell me “You have to express yourself through writing it down.” So I started writing. Writing an essay is what got me the opportunity to visit The Netherlands, Belgium, France, England, Wales & Ireland when I was sixteen. But all in all, I was just this kid who came all this way from West Philadelphia to see how the world really works and then later went to Brazil and found myself. I feel that I have always had some form of consciousness on a low level, but it wasn’t until I was able to step outside of West Philadelphia and started seeing and understanding the world on a higher level. Since these events, I been up, I been down, taken chances, made bad mistakes, and I still try to hold it down as much as I can, but nonetheless I came all this way to do what I am doing right now and that’s telling my truth. I am so grateful for this new awakening that I have experienced through my life and times in traveling and through writing. My faith, family and environment made me who I am, and listening, reading writing, traveling taught me what I know.

- LO Pierce
The "Board" Of Execution

The "Board" Of Execution

This was the first writing piece of a blog on Tumblr I recently launched. The title of the piece is called "The Board of Execution. My blog can b Read More


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