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Sketchbook Roundup: Winter 2014-2015

My sketchbook habit has been a little spotty of late, but here are a few of the standouts from the last month or two. I don't know if it's all the un fullfilled New Years resolutions floating around in the air or what, but this time of year I find it nearly impossible to stick to anything like a daily routine for longer than a day or two. (Unless that routine is eating cheesy toast and watching all of the television.) NEVERTHELESS! I here declare that I endeavor to draw EVERY DAY, for at least today. And if it works out maybe tomorrow too.
Wade Barstow: Bath Salt Distributor
Taking the Shortcut Through "Tweaker-Killed-Two-Possums" Creek
A nice day of sketching a parallel universe version of my home state. Feels like there could be more here as well. Might have to go back in for some investigating.
Touchy Fly Guy
Rural Bounty Hunter
Cantina Band
Work Buddies
Space Mope
First Date
Chef Ackbar
I drew these little Star Wars Extras on a lazy sunday at home. I started with the little elephant playing the piano, then tried to see how many of the Cantina wierdos I could draw from memory. (Not many, it turns out, so I filled in the gaps with your Jabas, Snake Heads and “It’s A Trap” guys where necessary. Also, One of them is just an astronaut, so I guess there are some normal earth humans in the mix too.)
Lunch Break
Getting Down To Business
Remembering A Beautiful Stranger He Met On Shore Leave
I’ve had some little “Space Guy” story fragments floating around for a while, but had been kinda spinning my wheels as far as a more cohesive project goes. I decided to just get this little guy down on paper and out into the cosmos. Maybe he’ll find a story out there and bring it back to me. (Also, it turns out there is a Space Janitor already in the video game “Space Quest,” but I will pretend I don’t know that for the time being.)
Alright fellow content providers. Back to the sketchbook! May your gradients be smooth, and your line work smudged-free. 
Thanks for reading!
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Sketchbook Roundup: Winter 2014-2015

Sketchbook Roundup: Winter 2014-2015

A roundup of recent sketchbook scans. Enjoy!


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