Anka Kresse's profile

Nederlands Dagblad (restyling daily newspaper)

Nederlands Dagblad (ND) is a nationwide spread christian newspaper.The change from broad sheet size to Berliner size implicated redefining content and visual balance.To reach the most out of decreasing content and paper size, ND decided to use the first (news)pages of their future Berliner for random placed news articles. 
Of course this could never become complete randomness. 

Still, instead of using a complete page for economic news, now there was a choice to make for the editor to either place an economic news article on the front page or on the 5th. This should make the editors more flexible in writing and reaching the wanted quality. It also should make the editor as well as the reader more aware of the ND - focus.

The Berliner format was chosen because of the slightly bigger page size than tabloid (the most used small newspaper-size in the Netherlands). 
Designing a series of labels to use as content-markings made the new lay-out differ from the traditional. 
Also the need to stay clear and in control, lead up to the design that is now used for the Berliner ND.

But first of all, to fit the whole new attitude of labeling and 'surfing' the newspaper, I designed a new logo.

Next to the daily newspaper, fitting the new attitude, I designed two supplements and a nd-website.

One year after the first Berliner nd was published, the new shape and method is well adopted by the readers.

a few labels used by nd's daily newspaper.

the nd - logo
front page test model

weekend supplement ' nd 7' cover


design supplement 'nd Gulliver' cover


design home page nd, based on existing CMS system

Nederlands Dagblad (restyling daily newspaper)

Nederlands Dagblad (restyling daily newspaper)

redesigning the nationwide spread christian newspaper 'Nederlands Dagblad' , from broadsheet to Berliner size
