Dan Allie's profile

Print Materials 3

Volkswagen Play Nice logo, brochure and signage. Worked with Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Ilustrator and Adobe InDesign. Created while working as a freelancer for 24g advertising. Worked with creative director and copywriter. 
Volkswagen Play Nice logo, brochure and signage. Worked with Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Ilustrator and Adobe InDesign. Created while working as a freelancer for 24g advertising. Worked with creative director and copywriter. 
Volkswagen Play Nice logo, brochure and signage. Worked with Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Ilustrator and Adobe InDesign. Created while working as a freelancer for 24g advertising. Worked with creative director and copywriter. 
Talk America sales folder and collateral.  Worked with Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Ilustrator and Adobe InDesign. Created while working as a in-house. Worked with marketing manager and copywriter. 
Silver Seal catalog artwork created using my own photograph. Created using Adobe Photoshop and Adobe InDesign. 
Print Materials 3

Print Materials 3

Print Materials and Branding
