At the end of 2014, the Faber Castell Singapore Facebook page was hovering at approximately 100 followers after a recent revamp. CDS and AMP Digital, a boutique digital marketing agency, collaborated to aid Faber Castell Singapore in their online social media push to grow their numbers and increase the engagement on the page. 
Given that the new year, 2015, is coming up, it was decided that the campaign will be built around the annual activity of setting resolutions. A hashtag #FCResolution2015 was introduced and it will be the hashtag to encourage Singaporean Facebook users to post their New Year Resolutions. 
While some common resolutions was demonstrated through various Faber Castell art materials, Facebook followers of Faber Castell are encouraged to share their resolutions and to identify with Faber Castell. The best three resolutions will be selected from the timeline posts and illustrated by the CDS artists. 
At the same time, on the side, smaller side contests will be held to encourage followers to learn more about Faber Castell products and engage with the brand. 
Thinking of doing something to make 2015 more exciting? How about taking up breakdancing!
Stay tuned as we have some exciting giveaways coming up that might motivate you even more! ‪#‎FCResolution2015‬
Anyone into extreme sports?
Do you have an exciting New Year’s resolution to share with us? Do so at and stand to win exciting prizes! ‪#‎FCResolution2015‬
Always thought you didn’t have a green thumb? Try showering love and care on some seedlings, you might be pleasantly surprised to see them grow!
Share your New Year’s resolution with us at and stand a chance to get your New Year’s resolution sketched by our artist! ‪#‎FCResolution2015‬
As the saying goes, time and tide waits for no man. How about making a point to be punctual for school/work this year! Know anyone who is always late? Feel free to tag them in this post!
Haven’t passed your IPPT since your ORD? How about making it a difference this year! ‪#‎FCResolution2015‬
Always wanted to perform in public but never had the chance? How about a New Year’s resolution to dance or sing along Orchard Road? It is sure to bring you joy, and a good audience! ‪#‎FCResolution2015‬
Can’t seem to find a meaningful resolution for 2015? We suggest that you learn how to whip up a tasty meal for your loved ones! ‪#‎FCResolution2015‬
Learning how to drive is one of the essential skills to have. If you are still procrastinating, make 2015 the year where you get that licence!
Looking to give your significant other something special this valentines? How about something handmade with love, like a nice scrapbook!
PS: Valentine’s day is less than a month away :)
Through out the period of one month and with careful use of targeted ads, the campaign was able to achieve its objective of growing the number of Facebook page followers by 600%. By the end of the campaign, the number of followers had grown to over 700. There was also very active engagement between the Facebook users and the brand. The total number of engagements during the campaign stood at over 2000. 
At the end of the campaign, three of the most interesting resolutions were selected and the CDS artists are delegated to draw the resolutions out onto a board for the winners. These are the selected resolutions along with the resulting artworks. 
Campaign management: Gerald Ho (That Content Guy) and KC Ng
Campaign artworks: Angela Tan and Ricky Li
Winning resolution artworks: Low Zi Rong, Angela Tan and Ricky Li
Special Thanks to Julia Ng and Ng Hui Yi (whose handwriting was used for the Facebook page cover)



CDS and AMP Digital worked closely to help Faber Castell Singapore grow their online web presence through a simple Facebook campaign that encoura Read More
