This mobile application project allows the user to track their location over any period of time and then view the outcome as a generated visual. The same code is used each time and the result is scaled to fit within the boundary of the screen. It allows the user to view their GPS data in an unconventional way - getting away from the standard speed/ distance/ time number based results. Although the components of these images follow a strict set of rules and react to certain changes, I do not want to think of this project as a data visualization but as an art piece. For this reason I am not going to reveal the variables that affect the appearance of each image. 
The application allows the user to use either the native iOS location tracking feature to generate images or the user can manually input .gpx data which is the standard format used by Garmin, Strava, Endomondo, and many more.
After reviewing the image output for the imputed data, the user can choose to either save the image, or add it to a 9X9 tiled grid. This allows the user to view more than one image at once and can help to compare and contrast. Above I have included 3 examples of said grids, the first two use data recorded on entirely different routes but the 3rd shows the same 10 mile route recorded on 9 different occasions.
Location Patterns