Kams Viktor's profile

We Cherish the Day - Curso online Domestika

This project shows the step by step process of the letering design I did for my online course in Domestika, from the calligraphic sketch, trace, lettering, vector, and final product which is a T-shirt. I focus the project on the song Cherish the day of Sade and I changed the term "I" for "we" as if the design was meant to be produced by the group for the fans and the term "we" make the fans have a feeling of belonging to it. At the end I added the link to the trailer of the course, so you can access to it there, unfortunately the course is only in Spanish because Domestika is a Spanish platform. I am hoping to do an english online course in the future so I can share my work method with everybody. Thanks for your support.
Este proyecto muestra paso a paso el proceso del diseño de lettering que realicé para mi curso online en Domestika, desde el boceto caligráfico, el calco, retoque, vector y resultado final impreso en camiseta. El proyecto lo enfoque en la canción Cherish the day del grupo Sade. Cambié la persona singular "I" por el plural "we" como si el proyecto fuera un trabajo encargado por el grupo para los fans, el termino "we" (nosotros) daría un sentimiento de pertenencia a los fans del grupo. Al final he ncluido el enlace del trailer del curso podeis acceder a el por ahi, espero que os animeis a aprender mi metodo de trabajo y veros pronto en Domestika.
Thanks for your time and support.
We Cherish the Day - Curso online Domestika

We Cherish the Day - Curso online Domestika

Project done for my online course in Domestika.
