Activity 1
1st picture
In Game gameplay
2nd picture
Character Creation
Picture 3
Activity 2
Activity 4
1.) -Competition is everywhere.   -It test' your strategy   -Its one of the most popular board games.
2.) -I like the anticipation in the enemy's next move.   -It was stressing but can improve your strategy skills
3,) -There are some moves that only the pros know.   -The Queen is the strongest and not the king.
4.) - Nothing 
President/Pusoy (card game)
1.) -Its a gamling game   -Our elders like to play it   -The game is simple.   -Anyone can play it.
2.) -It is simple but fun.   -Its fun to play with friends or a stranger you just met.
3.) -Whoever got the 2 have a better chance of winning.  -Sometimes it breaks some friendships haha 
4.) -Nothing i can think of.
Jenga Tetris
1.) -You dont know when the tower is gonna fall.  -Its for everyone.  -You can play it alone.
2.) - I like how everyone freezes when you are trying to take a piece.
      -How you giggle when the tower is gonna fall.
3.) -Nothing -The T blocks are hard to get.
4.) - They should make the the pieces thicker so that we can put it vertically. 
1.) -How you can learn words and have fun at the same time.  -It is playable for anyone.
                                       -It can be played by more than 2 person.
2.) -You will learn new words from friends -Fun and for the family.
3.) -You need to be smart enough to beat the others.  -You might mispell some words that you think are correct
4.) -There should be a dictionary in every board.
1.) -Its ancient  -its very easy  -even kids are good at it
2.) -You can force your opponent to get your pieces -Having a dama is awesome.
3.) -There are no more skills needed to play it. -You can always win if you know a good plan against newbies
4.) -Nothing
Unit 1 Project 
1. Our game is good because it is fun and easy to play. Anyone who knows basketball will enjoy it and will have a fun time with their friends. Most of the people that played our game said that they liked it. 
2. Our game needs improvement in the rules. If we have more time we will probably make some new rules to make the game more fun than ever.
3. I should get a mark out of 10 because I worked hard and helped finish this game. We look for our weaknesses and strenghts, In my part i am not the artistic one but i am the one who did most of the designs and game mechanics that the others played.
4. Our group should get a mark out of 10 because we really think about the game and the possibilities in case something is wrong. We showed effort and hard work in the game no less.
Alzheimer’s disease has several symptoms. It usually worsens over time. Changes in the brain function due to Alzheimer’s begin years before the signs of disease. A person with Alzheimer’s lives four to eight years on average after diagnosis. There is a chance they can live up to 20 years, depending on the severity of the disease. There are top 10 symptoms that prove you have Alzheimer’s.
1. Memory loss that affects your daily life. Memory loss is the most common sign of Alzheimer’s, especially in the early stages. Some examples are; forgetting important dates and events, forgets what they are doing after a short rest and the worst part, forgetting some family members.
2. Challenges in planning or solving problems. Some people with Alzheimer’s can experience a decrease on their ability to follow a plan or solve some problems. They may have trouble keeping track of monthly bills or do a crossword puzzle.
3. Difficulty completing familiar task at home or at work. It is hard for people with Alzheimer’s to do several tasks. They may have trouble driving to work, using the microwave or remembering the mechanics of a favorite game.
4. Confusion with time or place. People suffering Alzheimer’s are most likely to forget the date, season, and time. Sometimes they forget how they got there. An example is when the person thought its Monday while it’s really Wednesday.
5. Trouble understanding visual images and spatial relationships. Having vision problems are one of the symptoms that you have Alzheimer’s. Some people might have a hard time reading, looking at someone on a distance and determining colors. It is also possible that they will not recognize their own reflection.
6. New problems with words in speaking or writing. People with Alzheimer’s are likely to have trouble following a conversation. They might stop in the middle of the conversation and forget what they are talking about.
7. Misplacing things losing the ability to retrace steps. A person with Alzheimer’s may put things everywhere. It is common for them to forget where they put that object or to have problem remembering where that object is. If they can’t find that object they might accuse others of stealing.
8. Decreased or poor judgement. People suffering Alzheimer’s experience changes in judgement or decision making. An example is when they are dealing with money. They may give more than what they need to pay for.
9. Withdrawal from work or social activities. People with Alzheimer’s might stop their hobbies and social activities. They sometimes avoid being social because  of the changes they experience.
10. Changes in mood and personality. A person with Alzheimer’s has changes in mood and personalities. They can be depressed, confused, anxious, or fearful. They can easily get upset at home, at work or with family.
Unit 1

Unit 1

-Game and App development -Unit 1


Creative Fields