- The Enemy -
This was the concept for the match programme covers for the PRO12 League in the 2013/14 season. The idea was each of Munster's opponents would be depicted by warriors, or creatures inspired by either their team crests, team mascots or team nicknames. These creatures and armies are attacking Munster, and the players are defending their territory.
|Adobe Photoshop| Adobe Indesign|
All 13 of the "Enemies" From top left: Newport Gwent Dragons (Dragon), Ulster (Raven), Connacht (Eagle), Benetton Treviso (Warrior with crested shield), Ospreys (Venetian bird mask), Glasgow Warriors (Warrior), Leinster (Lion), Zebre (Zebra Warrior), London Irish (Warrior with crested shield), Cardiff Blues (blue Warrior), Gloucester (Knight), Scarlets (Dragon), Edinburgh (stone-skinned Warrior in tartan).
The Enemy

The Enemy

Programme cover design for Munster Rugby 2013/14 league campaign. Dragons, Knights and Warriors attack Munster.
