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FOODOGRAPHY // Carmel Winery

Carmel Winery - FoodoGraphy
We're all food photographers. Whether it's at home in our very own kitchen or at the local pizza parlor, restaurant or cafe - we all pull out our smartphones and snap a picture - even before we've taken our first bite. In seconds, it's done. We've shot it and released it to the internet.
As a result, Facebook, Instagram and all other social networks have been flooded with millions of mouthwatering food pictures uploaded by amateur food photographers and professionals alike. Food and wine pictures abound.
To capitalize on this trend, Carmel Winery, Israel's oldest and most long-standing winery, in cooperation with their advertising agency "Baumann Ber Rivnay" decided to adopt the food  photography trend and take it a step further by creating a truly unique and innovative project.
For the sake of the project we  enlisted the talents of the best Chef, Designer and Food Photographer in the country to create a unique experience that fuses the culinary world with the photographic world.
We called it FOODOGRAPHY.
Working together, the Chef Meir Adoni - one of Israel's most admired chefs -,  Dan Peretz  -one of the country's most preeminent food photographers  - and the ceramic design artist Adi Nissani, created an integrated experience built around a virtuoso meal inspired by Carmel wines and set to take place at Chef Adoni 's restaurant "Catit" in Tel Aviv.
As part of the experience, diners who will visit "Catit" will be invited to take part in a special photography workshop that will be delivered by Dan Peretz during the meal. Every course of the meal, which was created using elements from the world of wine, will be leveraged to teach diners about a different aspect in the art of food photography, and help them understand how to create the best food pictures using nothing but their smart phone.
To achieve that goal and take the experience to an entirely new level, Adi Nissani designed together with Peretz and Adoni a very special and unique set of dishes to enhance the dining experience and make Smartphone food photography a bona fide art form. During the workshop Dan Peretz will teach diners how to deal with different dishes; how to bring out their colors and textures, and use lighting and camera angles to emphasize certain aspects over others but mostly achieve their ultimate goal: getting likes.
When asked about the project, the Chef Meir Adoni said: "I am excited to take part in a project which is a first of its kind and offers an unbelievably rich multi-sensory experience. In recent years, food photography has become part of the dining experience, it is a social phenomenon that has changed the culinary world. By collaborating with Adi Nissani who created the dishes which are truly innovative and Dan Peretz the leading Israeli food photographer, we promise to provide diners with an unforgettable evening. "
The dinner will be accompanied by Carmel's exclusive Single Vineyard line of wines.
FOODOGRAPHY // Carmel Winery

FOODOGRAPHY // Carmel Winery



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