This is a gallery of some of my digital art.  Some dates can be found in the corner of an image.  Thanks for viewing!
This first digital painting has a video screengrab of the process if you'd like to view it.  The video is viewable below.
"Summer" - 2012
Ever feel like you're headed towards a cliff and there's a lot of momentum there to push you over?  You'd say "huh" as you look over the ledge.  Just relax and take in the view.
The next two images are concept art of an island in space that can be experienced differently depending on which side you approach.  One is a lonely fishing beach with a lighthouse, the other an amusement park with an entrance to caves.
More traditional style to this next one.  Simple beach modeled after the reservation end of Salisbury Beach, MA.
This was character concept art for a short film that never got out of pre-production.
"Dreams" - 2014
The following poster was designed for the short film "My Nihilism" of which I was the production designer.  I was asked to design a poster for the film apart from my other work.
Here's a digital painting:
Digital Art

Digital Art

A collection of my creative digital art.
