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How to make a Spear in Illustrator in 5 Steps

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Step 1: Using the Rectangle Tool in Illustrator, draw a tall, narrow rectangle from just above the center of the artboard to just above the bottom edge of the artboard
Step 2: Using the Line Tool in Illustrator, Extend each upper corner of the rectange upwards about 60 degrees on either edge, and connect the open ends with a horizantal line
Step 3: Using the Line tool extend the outward edges up and towards the center
Step 4: Draw a vertical line from the point you created in Step 3 down to the center upper edge of the rectangle you created in Step 1, if the line is not perfectly vertical, adjust the lines you made in Steps 2 and 3 until it is. About halfway down the rectangle, Make another rectangle with a dark red fill and a black border to form the spear's grip
Step 5:Customize; change the spearhead, add custom details and flat out make it personal.
Like this Project? Be sure to appreciate it and tell me what you liked in the comments below. Also be sure to check out the "Morse Code Challenge" project on my profile for a fun and challenging thing to try out in your free time.
How to make a Spear in Illustrator in 5 Steps

How to make a Spear in Illustrator in 5 Steps

One of the oldest types of weapons in the world
