Benjamin Plault's profile

Management School 30th Anniversary

60 years ago, the first IAE, school of management was in 1955:
As a new kind of school inspired by the American model, the IAE delivers degrees of management
connected with universities. The IAE FRANCE network shows the power of this vision of the education
and now represents 31 University Schools of Management across France.

Each IAE has its own history, its specific strengths and distinctive elements.
IAE Orléans, located in Orléans, France was created in 1985 and celebrates, this year, its 30th anniversary.
A contest was organized by the school for students to create a poster
that would be used to communicate on the upcoming event & its conferences.
I'm very proud to say that my propositions were selected by the jury.
Poster Propositions sent to the Jury
I chose a minimalistic theme.
My first proposal displayed students, with informations about the school anniversary & the conferences.
My second proposal was simpler, with the blue - color of the school - as the main color.
For the third proposal I chose a classiertheme, with gold and white as the main colors.
Final Project

With the help of the jury & the school president, I decided to keep the circles,
the typography of the logo of the school, the blue as the main color
& the classiness of the gold proposition.
I also chose to feature students, as the theme of the conferences was "Management & Optimism".
This poster (A1 format) will be displayed in streets, around the city & the school.

"Become your best self"
"IAE Orléans, Business School of the University for 30 years.
Management & Optimism"
Conferences from March 9th to 12th, 2015 at Hotel Dupanloup · International University Center of Research
This poster (99x83 format) will be used in streets & around the school.

"Become your best self"
"IAE Orléans, business school for 30 years"
"Management · Information System · Human Resources · Accounting · Audit · Marketing · Management Sciences"
Thank You For Watching! :)
Management School 30th Anniversary

Management School 30th Anniversary

Poster for the 30th Anniversary of IAE Orléans (Management School). Ben’s Designs Freelance (2015).
