Michal Kucharczyk's profile

puzzlecopters - logic app for kids

Hi all, I am represening the little indie studio. We are working on our debut production, it is still under developement, the release should happen in Ferbuary.
The game is for 3-6 years old kids. It developes the basis for logical thinking: entire game is about completing various sequences in numerous spatial configuration. It is full of animations and interactive elemtens.
Here are some art assets I created for the game purposes and also some screenshots from the working application. This is my first graphical work ever.
Game characters
Juice machine
The game is structure around juice making.
Game screenshots
Here is how out puzzles looks like
Tower building.
Choo choo puzzle.
A fruits sequence building.
puzzlecopters - logic app for kids

puzzlecopters - logic app for kids

Logical app for kids.
