Choose Wisely. 
Created for a portfolio exchange, I combined the nerdy obsessions of my screenprinting class in a simple iconic style. 
Musings at Midnight. 
An abstraction of the worries and reflections that weall tend to dwell on at night, laying awake waiting for sleep. 
Revenge of the Goldfish II.
An appropriation of two favorite works - Revenge of the Goldfish by Sandy Skoglund and Giaconda 1953 by Rene Magritte. I have an irrational (or so I'm told) fear of goldfish, and a profound interest in repetition and daydreams. I decided to combine the two in tribute to these artists and for personal interest. 
Doctor Who is my favorite show, and the 50th anniversary episode has an extra special place in my heart. So, in a playful representation of one of the final scenes, I created this eight-layer print, experimenting with marble techniques and hand-drawn screens. 


Various examples of my screen printing work.
