I wanted this project to represent the movement to stop the government from eliminating net neutrality. I really liked the grid texture because it reminded me of Minesweeper and the computer look. I wanted to make a poster that really emphasized the impact of the elimination of net neutrality and how it would tie the hands of small businesses and the regular internet user. The color red makes the poster pop and bring attention to the focal point of the poster. 
I really loved the use of light effects on projects that I had seen. I wanted to make a poster that showcased the use of brushes, lights and fire. I found this wolf face and immediately decided to add smoke with a brush. I really loved the way the wolf was translucent and you could see the smoke rising from the fire. I used the opacity to layer the flames and make it look like it was rising up through the wolf face. I made the face pop by adding an outer glow. 
Extra Projects

Extra Projects

This is my extra projects
