Water can be disinfected and in this way made drinkable using the rays of the sun. "Solar water disinfection" - SODIS for short - thus offers a solution for preventing diarrhoea, one of the most common causes of death among people in developing countries.
Clean drinking water in 6 hours
The SODIS method is ideal for treating water for drinking in developing countries. All it requires is sunlight and PET bottles. How does it work? Clear PET bottles are filled with the water and set out in the sun for 6 hours. The UV-A rays in sunlight kill germs such as viruses, bacteria and parasites (giardia and cryptosporidia). The method also works when air and water temperatures are low.
Solar cooking uses the free and abundant sunshine, from the Sun, as the energy source for cooking.  Many types of solar cookers, ranging from high performance to low performance, have been successfully produced and used by people around the world.  When widely adopted, solar cooking could help us save a lot of trees and other Earth's limited, non-renewable, resources.
Combining a simple solar cooking cardboard box and Sodis method my purpose was to increase the water disinfection concentrating the solar rays on the bottle.
I also designed a specia thermometer-cap to know when the water temerature reachs 60°C to (140°F) to be pasteurized.
Solar water pasteurization
Contaminated water is heated to 65°C (149°F), all pathogenic microbes would be inactivated. This includes the hepatitis A virus, which has a 90 percent reduction after two minutes at 60°C (140°F). To purify water is common boil it because thermometers are not availabe everywhere. 



INJOY is a mix of two low cost technology used to pastourize water and cook food using solar power. Combining these we can reach adequate tempera Read More


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