Astral Islands are high-end repetitive activity in Allods Online Game. In this activity party of 6 players is placed randomly in one of more than 40 instanced islands. Every Instance contains 15-25 packs of mobs and 4 bosses with different unique abilities and tactics. Players goal is to fight and kill bosses and get loot. All fightings are ranked by difficulty and challenge increases from start  till the Last boss-fight.
This Astral Island has references from different ancient Russian fairy tales. Level is made with colorful autumn environment setting and is inhabited by different characters from Russian folk.
Level comprises two parts - autumn forest and big lake with zone lendmark - the big tree. This tree is hollow and it has arena with last boss fight in the crown.
Key feature of this zone is changing of atmosfer. After players kill some animals in the forest the light became more dark and dangerous, anxious ambient sound appears, and all remaining animals turn into their dark forms. (wolfs into werewolves, bears into werebears etc)
To pass through players have to fight dark animals and return bright atmosphere.
Last boss also changes atmosfer sometimes. He uses this ability to designate new stage of boss fight.
Far-Far Island

Far-Far Island

This Astral Island has references from different ancient russian fairy tales. Level is made with colorful autumn environment setting and is inhab Read More


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