Weekly Sketch of Urban Art Class
001 Dragon
Greek: δράκων (drákōn)
A legendary creature, typically with serpentine or reptilian traits.
Features in the myths of many cultures.
002 Wolf
Old English: wulf
Portrayed as near deities, a deceitful and dangerous animal.
A symbols of greed and destructiveness.
003 Mermaid

Middle English: mermayde
 with perilous events such as floods, storms, shipwrecks and drownings.
Can be benevolent or beneficent, bestowing boons or falling in love with humans.
004 Deer

Old English: dēor
A noble creature, often used as a metaphor in comparison to a famous warrior, hero or chief.
Often depicted pulling the sleigh of Santa.
005 Fox

Old English: vohz
Depicted as a symbol of cunning and trickery, with the ability to disguise as an attractive female human.
A mystical, sacred creature, that can either bring wonder or ruin.
006 Rabbit

Middle English: rabet (te)

Symbol of fertility or rebirth and innocence, have long been associated with spring and Easter.
Often used as symbols of playful sexuality.
- END -
Tale Animals

Tale Animals

Weekly projects of Urban Art class Manual sketches that transformed into vectors
