And she doesn't even know how lucky she is....
The music sways my senses, as your deep yet gentle voice cajoles the song in a unique tune...
Not to the song of course, as usual you reinvent the tune but nevertheless it never loses its soul...

Your musk scent putting me at ease as it cradles my senses...
As I lose myself in that moment of peace.
Feeling your presence next to me is more than enough.
Just knowing you're around makes me feel loved.

And then the reality strikes like a sharp blade slicing through my heart
The mirror of dreams shatters...

Each song to me is you.
a moment with you, a memory of you, a feeling you made me feel, a thought of you.
Every beat, every lyric, every tune leading up to you...

And then I wonder if you play them for me or in her memory...
Do i even exist in your vocabulary?

I dare not ask, for fear of losing even the little that i have
For even if it is a dream it is enough to keep me alive....

So fare thee well for the day...
I shall still wait for you in the cloak of the night under the bright moonlight
As the sandman brings me your portrait in my dreams..
One more night
And in a few hours the sun will rise and the night will recede to the shadows, and another day would have passed.

It's been a year, maybe a little longer and how we all have changed. I have seen 3 receptionists change at the front desk.

I have seen my friends and people I respected and hoped to learn from quit
I saw people leave before I ever got a chance to get to know them...
I saw surprise weddings happened and more wedding bells are on their way...
I saw a partner in crime moved on to bigger and better things...
I saw young-lings prove their mettle...

I got conceited, i realized, i was ashamed, i am back...
I saw my friend go from insane dwane to Munnabhai MBBS...

And I Saw YOU and I saw MYSELF

How the childlike spark has gotten buried deeper....
How a playful smiles have been replaced by just smiles of happiness and moments of peace...
How our big innocent eyes have grown mature and focused...
How those childish moments in our lives diminish...
How we've come closer, How we've grown apart...
The rift seems to only widen...

And soon another night will pass, and here i will be, as for you...
I shall watch the horizon, i shall rejoice the signs, i will believe, i will have faith, i will wish...

I will wait...

Will you? or will I?

And another night passes passes us by....
Give me strength for just one more night....
Just one more night to wish, to watch, to hope....
When I was little girl I would stand by the balconies and watch the ladies with lords of different lands as they spun gracefully in their flowing gowns and grandiose jewels and I couldn’t wait to grow up, to come of age, to be a debutante... 

Today here I am, my heart races as I get set to take my first steps into the society...
Today I shall waltz, today I shall hold conversations, today I shall charm with poise, grace and beauty...
Today I shall look to the balconies, and bid farewell to the little girl that was I...

I grew up watching him spar and fence, I grew up watching him grow, stand tall and rise gloriously. Today here he is, kneeling with a corsage...
The music starts, he leads me through, I hold my head high, I recollect all the rules, I remember all the steps and then he looks into my eyes with a gentle smile...
In that moment, in that step, one barrier breaks, warmth washes over me, as the moon of the winter solstice suddenly gleams brighter...

The music ends we all bow, clap and then he requests another dance...
The evening follows each dance after another, breaking barriers a dance at a time, the demure smiles growing to chuckles and unabashed laughter...

Flushed cheeks, sparkling eyes, a gentle heave and the tango ends...
He leads me away to the gardens, conversations grow to moments...
A gaze that lasts, just long enough for Fort-Knox to fall...
A hasty retreat, a proper farewell...

Now begins, the unending wait for the 'morrow, when he shall return, or shall he?


Sometimes they from in dreams, sometimes just stroll into my head, most times it's one scene that has to be put down on paper - Once upon a time Read More
