Harris Wangsa's profile

Social Problem - Shirt Design

This design I created for my 7th Semester's task. The brief was find a problem around you that you will it's a serious problem, then create a design that will show the problem so the people will pay attention to the shirt and realize about the problem.
I found a problem that it's a really common problem around us. Is there anyone in this new era doesn't use gadget? I think no one. Since gadget came to our life, it helped us a lot, but also did some disadvantages. One of those disadvantage is making us to be lazy to do anything. Once we play with our gadget, we will be concentrated with it. So whatever happens around us, we don't care because we too busy playing our gadget. It happens in myself.
So i made this design. The character was a lazy face boy which is still laying on bed playing his gadget. But because he has so many gadget and there were a lot of calls on his other gadget and he feels like he's too lazy to move, so he uses his leg to grab those other gadgets.
So? Be wise using your own gadget!
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Social Problem - Shirt Design

Social Problem - Shirt Design

A Shirt Design based on the current social problem
