Sketches / Wireframes
These are some of the initial sketches I'd created for the website. The entire wireframing part was done using pen and paper. Since I already had a very good idea about who would be visiting the website and why was I creating it, I did not have much problem coming up with a rough layout. I had already gone through hundreds of different portfolio sites by classy Designers. In a way, I have cherrypicked the best features from each of them and used them to create this site.
Color Scheme
The color scheme used in the website is very minimal and simple. No flashy colors are used anywhere on the website. Calm hues of blue and shades of gray are chosen.
The following colors are widely used in the website.
I paid close attention to the typography of the site from the very beginning. Having tried tens of different combinations, I finally selected Source Sans Pro — Noto Serif combination. Source Sans Pro had always been one of my favourite typefaces as far as UI Design is concerned. It has wonderful clarity and legibility, and best of all, it is free.
Website Development
I have used Twitter Bootstrap as a front-end framework on which the site is built. No particular reason, except for the fact that Bootstrap seemed easiest to learn (back when I had just begun developing). In hindsight, I would have used Zurb Foundation or Inuit.css

Website Link

The link to the website is:
Personal Website

Personal Website

Designing my Personal Website. The link to the website is: It had taught me many things about design and development. Read More
