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Cards and Memory game

Serie of illustrations for Memory game and Cards. They showing the basic meaning of our most popular proverbs and adages, and connecting them with true meaning as couples in the game.

Séria ilustrácii, ktoré hravou formou vizuálne zobrazujú niektoré známe príslovia a porekadlá. Vo výsledku sú použité ako séria kariet a hra pexeso, kde sa spája obraz a textový význam v pároch.
Aká matka, taká Katka // Like father, like son
Čo oči nevidia, srdce nebolí // Out of sight out of mind.
Všetko zlé je na niečo dobré // Every cloud has a silver lining
Čo na srdci, to na jazyku // Dutch uncle
Koľko rečí vieš, toľko krát si človekom // You are as many times human, as many languages you know
Láska hory prenáša // Love can move mountains
Oko za oko, zub za zub // An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.
Aký pán, taký pes // Like lord, like dog
zadná strana pexesa / back side of the memory game
Cards and Memory game


Cards and Memory game

Serie of illustrations for Memory game. They showing the basic meaning of our most popular proverbs and adages, and connecting them with true mea Read More
