The objective of this project was to select a rather large topic that you would continue to explore throughout the semester.  We created a number of word associations that could be made with our topic. Each week we explored different techniques to transfer these ideas to paper, from pen and ink to paper cut outs to sewing.  The following images are a selected few from the project. 
I decided to spend the semester exploring various songs titles and what sort of visual associations can be made, whether it be from the title of the song or the way that the music was able to interpret its own name. I found a lot of inspiration in revisiting old mix tapes in which specific songs were chosen for a certain audience and how that would affect the image I was working on. I also enjoyed comparing the names of more classical ballads to modern song titles. 
Music To My Ears

Music To My Ears

A book created around visualizing songs names in relation to the music that is heard. Completed in Fall 2014
