An installation of just over one thousand paper skeletons from my project dealing with the Anthropocene, a small attempt at highlighting the invisible losses that are occurring across the globe.
This year for Honours, I have been focusing on the impacts of human activity on the environment. Amongst the consequences of our activities is our species contribution to the sixth mass extinction event that is currently underway. 
Installation view
Left: Symptoms, paper, site-specific installation 3.5 x 3.6m, 2014
Right: New Pangaea, graphite on wall, site-specific installation 3.5 x 2.6m, 2014
New Pangaea, graphite on wall, site-specific installation 3.5 x 3.6m, 2014
detail: Symptoms, 2014
detail: Symptoms, 2014
detail: Symptoms, 2014
detail: Symptoms, 2014
detail: Symptoms (bird), 2014