Camille Lemonnier
One year project team (2 people).
Camille Lemonnier was a well known Belgian writer in the late 19th century. The building where he used to work is now the museum of Camille Lemonnier, museum of writing, poetry and cultural center.
This building was very damaged and completely out of use. The main goal was to bring back to life the treasures inside and to boost the cultural part.
We redefine each function to create an area where activities which need silence and concentration match in a complete harmony with some others much more noisy.
We would like to mix functions and by that way, suggest a course through this seven floor building. We made a specific work regarding the library.
The library
The biggest problem was « how to stock all the books ». We decided to make a three floor giant bookcase. We dug the wood floor right in front the bookcase by keeping the floor structure intact. We created a visual continuity through each floor to have a dramatic view down from the top and also paid much attention to the light (natural and artificial)  as we fixed a glass between the building wall and the bookcase which offers some light effects changing through the day light until the night.
Camille Lemonnier

Camille Lemonnier

Refurbished museum
