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ITV World Cup 4D Broadcast - The smell of Victory

ITV created Fever Pitch - a World Cup mecca for football fans to sample the carnival atmosphere of Brazil, right in the heart of Manchester. Our challenge was to make this event in Manchester relevant to the rest of the country. 
We created the world’s first 4D World Cup broadcast that not only delivered the sights, and sounds of Brazil, but also the smells. We asked the nation to vote for the smell that best represents England and fills them with pride. This smell would then be pumped out to fans at Fever Pitch during the crucial game against Uruguay during the National Anthem.
The vote was a closely fought contest with The Full English battling for top spot with fish and chips, strawberries and cream, and the trusty cuppa tea. But it was the home cooked aromas of a Sunday Roast that won over the hearts and noses of the nation.
As the England team ran out, fans at Fever Pitch were greeted with the smell of freshly cut grass. Then as the England team lined up for the National Anthem, the smell of Sunday Roasts was pumped out to the crowd. Despite the bitter taste of defeat, we lifted spirits in true Brazilian style, with Samba beats and the smells of caipirinhas, and coconuts on the beach drifting over the crowds long after the final whistle.
The fans didn’t get to experience the smell of victory champagne we had lined up, but the event was a huge success. The nation got behind it too, voting, chatting and arguing about the smells of England. We also grabbed the headlines in the national press, ITV national and local news, and even on several rival channels.
ITV World Cup 4D Broadcast - The smell of Victory

ITV World Cup 4D Broadcast - The smell of Victory

We created the world’s first 4D World Cup broadcast that not only delivered the sights, and sounds of Brazil, but also the smells.
