I work in Marketing. That fact is completely irrelevant to this project, and also the reason this project exists.
I create images like this because they're the opposite of what I normally produce.
Literature / Warning labels are there to instruct those who shouldn't be using a machine, how to use the machine. But only enough for them to realise they shouldn't be using it. They serve as the antithesis to marketing material in every aspect.
Demonstration / Marketing photography, a quick guide: A product looks its best when it's brand new and in the hands of an attractive, but relatable, person, who is using the product appropriately. If relevant branding is present, it must be clearly visible and a dominating element within the composition. Pictures must be bright, colorful, clean, and show the product in its entirety. Do not risk associating the product with unintended uses or negative connotations.
Creative Direction / Using groups of wheels to straighten cables sounds strange, but it works perfectly. Individually a wheel bends the direction of the cable, but groups of them negate each others efforts to affect change. The same logic applies to group 'brainstorming'; a term that initially meant 'a state of temporary insanity'. Insanity in turn meaning the act of doing a repeated task and expecting a different result.


I work in Marketing. That fact is completely irrelevant to this project, and also the reason this project exists.
