This is the final product. The last detail that I changed was the number of buttons, I've gone from three larger sized buttons to four smaller buttons. I'm happy with my decision to flip the pattern and use different colours, adding more diversity to the shirt.
My Hawiian shirt final version with my name and the title added below. I chose the lotus flower to represent personal freedom as the lotus flower is a very symbolic flower in the Buddhist culture. Buddhists believe that the lotus flower symbolizes purity of the body, speech and mind- floating above the "waters of attachment and deisre". It is also seen as a symbol of detachment. My interpretation is that if we can have a pure body, speech and mind, we will then be able to be personally free. I had some challenges in making this shirt as it took a few tries to make the shirt look less flat. I tried flipping the pattern and applying it in a new direction, but I still felt it lacked depth. My final decision was to use the two different colours, the small blue lotus flower and the small purple lotus flower to add variety to the shirt.. By using the same pattern in two different ways, I think it helped the overall design to be more successful.
Hawaiian Shirt

Hawaiian Shirt

This is my final product for the Hawaiian shirt contest


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