Every October, artists all over the world take on the InkTober drawing challenge by doing one ink drawing a day the entire month.

This year I followed the initiative created in 2009 by Jake Parker :)
You can see the more detailed pictures here: http://odiseae.tumblr.com/ and more pictures here: http://instagram.com/noisia
Day 31
Day 30
Day 29
Day 28
Day 27
Day 26
Day 25
Day 24
Day 23
Day 22
Day 21
Day 20
Day 19
Day 18
Day 17
Day 16
Day 15
Day 14
Day 13
Day 12
Day 11
Day 10
Day 9
Day 8
Day 7
Day 6
Day 5
Day 4
Day 3
Day 2
Day 1
Inktober 2014

Inktober 2014

31 Days 31 Drawings
