This is a project I developed for myself with the intention of enhancing my personal logo.
I already had a previous idea of what I wanted to attain, so I sketched a logo that would snap to a grid that I designed with golden proportions. Thus I was very satisfied with the results.
Empty proportions grid.
The logo applied in the grid.
The final results with official colors and typography are the following.
This is the logo's official use in flat design and a variation of tones of dark and light red. There are no depth or light effects.
These are some of the alternative uses of the logo. The first one is a combination of dark gray and gold yellow, a connotation to the golden rule that urged me to design this. Also, the second one is the classic shades of gray.
Personal Brand

Personal Brand

This is a project I developed for myself. As a designer, I believe that the first impressions of my portfolio must be my own brand.
