When you hear the term “human trafficking” you almost always think of the sex trade. I’d imagine for a vast majority of individuals out there, they’d immediately think of the movie Taken. It’s one of the only mainstream movies that depicts such events. The reality of it is, sex trafficking, whether it’s men, women or children only accounts for 10% of the affected victims.

In contrast to this, the amount of cheaply made, overpriced clothing in the world today is overwhelming—one can only guess as to how many businesses, knowingly or unknowingly, profit from those forced to work against their will. We, as consumers, are creating a perpetual circle of exploitation by supporting these companies.
There’s an estimated 27 million slaves across the globe. Slavery never actually ended, it was just made illegal. The slave industry still flourishes as a 35 billion dollar industry, second to drug trafficking, and education is the first step to bettering the world we live in. Shopping at places that identify with fair trade policy, are sweatshop free, use locally grown produce and goods—these are the kinds of consumers we need to become.
Clothing Label
Our Collection
Price Tags
Each "price tag" features an individual fact regarding the forced labor industry.

Featured below: "10 Nations account for 76% of the worlds enslaved."
Store Front


After hearing a presentation regarding Human Trafficking, a group of four VCD majors set out to create an installation piece that highlights the Read More
