Wei Liang Lin's profile

4th Dimension Bathroom, Red Dot Design Award

4th Dimension Bathroom
a dream bath, 2005 Red Dot Design Award Winner

This is a project done in the third year of studies at NUS in collaboration with Hansgrohe. The design brief is to design a dreambath based on arid, city or tropical landscapes as the bathroom themes.This work is a 2005 Red Dot Award Winner.

Inspired by sand dunes, another dimensional space can be created by warping a flat plane. This hyper reality space becomes a bathroom that provides the user a surreal detachment from the real world.
At the start of the project, 2 semantics exercises were done to reflect the mood and associations conceived from a person’s impression of an arid landscape.The sketches illustrate the concept development process.
The illustration on the right shows the various functions offered by the bathroom.
The dream bath is designed to be located on large spaces like onsen (Japanese bathhouses), spas, hotels, resorts, backyards, penthouse roof terraces, etc. However, smaller versions are also designed to suit more constrained spaces.
4th Dimension Bathroom, Red Dot Design Award

4th Dimension Bathroom, Red Dot Design Award

This is a project done in the third year of studies at NUS in collaboration with Hansgrohe. The design brief is to design a dreambath based on ar Read More
