Macleans Mums Facebook page takeover.

The brief:
Macleans Mums FB page was becoming stagnant.
Our brief was to Increase brand engagement and convert into likes.

Interrupt the status quo by giving one Dad a voice on the otherwise mum only page.
But it was a dad with a twist – hunky celebrity chef Manu Fidel.

Mums could also win dinner for themselves and four friends with Manu at his restaurant in Sydney. 
All they had to do is fill up a virtual table via our FB app (multiple entries welcomed).
Lucky mums also had the chance to ask Manu personal questions...about cooking.

It certainly got tongues wagging.
Engagement spiked to an all-time high.
Page likes shot up to over 25,000 in the two week promo period.
And 5 lucky mums had a dinner to remember.



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