This project as a whole is a representation of how the Philippines Is coping after Yolanda 'The typhoon that hit in November 2013' . All images in the body of work are taken on Bantayan island, an island over which the eye of the storm passed and where over 80% of infrastructure has been completely destroyed.
During my time in the Philippines I worked closely with PAH (Polish Humanitarian Action) & YPDR (Young Pioneer Disaster Response). The intended purpose of this work is a full scale exhibition held in Bristol & London thats objective is to raise money for me to send back to these organisations who have already built over 600 houses alongside sustaining many other livelihood projects. If you have the time go and see what they are all about.
This work will eventually exist as an ehibition to help raise money for these organisations.
Damaged market building
Snapped palm tree's
Destroyed house
Rebuilding the sports center
Police officer
Braidy a YPDR volunteer
A couple revisiting their damaged home on the coast
Remote fishery
Tents littering the jungle
A woman stands outside her tent
Slanted wind damaged buildings
Abandoned new build
Bart a YPDR volunteer
A hollow coastal building
Young girl plays with wreckage
A shell sits in the middle of the island carried by the typhoon
Destroyed chicken farm
Young boys on a bike
Fallen basketball hoop
The reamins of a small shop
YPDR worker
Damaged tree's and pylon
Boy walks among debris on the beach
Fallen palm's
Still smiling
UNHCR tents
Fallen pylon
YPDR volunteer's digging a well
Damaged building
Basketball amongst tents
Tent garden
Shelter box tent
US doctors on aid mission
Youngsters playing
Young boys burning wreckage
More shelter box tents
Damaged buding
Mother and baby
Devastated coastal buildings
Rebuilding livelyhood
Tents with extremely low living conditions
Six Months On

Six Months On

Yolanda - Six Months On
