Costanza Milano's profile

A Scandalous Society - Posters and Postcards

The theme of my project explores interaction within different contexts. I decided to design an interactive poster that works as the advertising campaign for A Scandalous Society exhibition and gallery souvenirs such as postcards and fliers.
For these posters I worked with the lenticular photography technique.
The style of the poster works perfectly with the Borgias and the topics explored in the exhibition catalogue.

A Scandalous Society won multiple Awards and it was selected to be shown at London Design Week 2014
Winner of 'Best in Show' Award by Design School Award 2014
Winner of 'Emerging Talent' Award by The GoogleHub Jury from The GoogleHub Competition
Shortlisted for 'Multi-Disciplinary' Award by roomCR6 studio
And the project has been nomineed for multiple Awards. 
Nominated for 'Commercial Future' Award by Design School Award 2014
Nominated for 'Multi Disciplinary Design' Award by Design School Award 2014
Nominated for 'Aestetic Beauty' Award by Design School Award 2014
The Figure No 1 is what the audience can see walking on the street or standing in front of the poster.
The text says: 'Bow Down before the original crime family' and it means it.
In fact if the audience bow down in front of the poster the image changes revealing the informations regarding the exhibition. (FIgure2)
A Scandalous Society Fliers
I designed interactive postcards for the exhibition. In the figure below you can see the mock ups in different sizes. The layout is recalling some pages of the book where the same design appears three times. Instead of writing down the Borgias’ scandals, I left the space empty in order to let the visitors write down one of their secrets or someone else’s. They can then put them in the envelope and send them.
The back presents the traditional postcard’s design with all the information about my work.
Moreover, the postcards are a strong piece of marketing and not only an entertaiment for the visitors.
The Interactive Postcards Design
The poster as shown at the Exhibition - London Design Week 2014
The Postcards as shown in the exhibition - London Design Week 2014
A Scandalous Society - Posters and Postcards

A Scandalous Society - Posters and Postcards

Poster, Fliers and Postcards for 'A Scandalous Society' exhibition London Design Week 2014
