Diana Nicholette Jeon's profile

they can only succeed by silencing our voices

they can only succeed by silencing our voices was selected by Joanne Carter of The App Whisperer to be featured in the October 12 App Whisperer Showcase; the showcase can be seen here.
they can only succeed by silencing our voices
Oct 2014
Composite of 4 images
This work is in response to the idiotic pronouncement of Satya Nadella that was an affront to working women everywhere.readwrite.com/2014/10/09/nadella-women-dont-ask-for-raise
iPhone 5s native camera
iColorama, Procreate, PS Touch, Photoshop Mix, Pixel Blender, Diana, Mextures, Stackables, Scratch Cam, Stackables.
they can only succeed by silencing our voices