Jade Budd's profile

The Light Box [BAS 3]

Through this project I primarily wanted to investigate the nature of public space and how architecture can help contribute to the much-needed shared space in our city.  Cape Town’s CBD is lucky to have some lovely public spaces like Company Gardens, Green Market Square, Grand Parade.  Hopefully in a few years, with the development of the Fringe, Harrington Square will be added to the list.  These are all designated open spaces that contribute to the city by hosting a variety of activites like markets and events, but what I am really interested in is serendipitious public space, which is a result of the interaction between buildings and the street.  

Streets are the most basic element of the city and, if conditioned correctly, can act as vibrant social spaces.  This phenomenon is key to the success of many bustling European cities, and is one of the reasons city living is so popular there.  Even looking back at our own city’s history, we can see that this situation was standard practice in old District Six.  High density living meant that space was limited so people took to the streets to socialise and interact with their community.  A street with activity has the tendency to attract even more people, and a multiplicity of eyes on the street helps to keep it safe.

The question I have posed to myself is how can buildings add value to the street by creating the conditions that foster public interaction, as discussed by Jan Gehl in his essay, Three Types of Outdoor Activites.  Gehl examines the relationship between the quality of outdoor space,  and the activity and social relations that then occur.  If a street has a nice character, people will intentionally choose to spend time on it.  This character is hugely influenced by the buildings on the street, and therefore I want to examine how architecture can be conditioned to be an active participant in the place-making of a street, and help to celebrate shared space in the city.  This idea will be important in developing the Fringe into a vibrant, creative hub.
The Light Box [BAS 3]

The Light Box [BAS 3]

Skills development centre in the Fringe District, Cape Town. Major Project. Third Year. Bachelor of Architecture.
